During a recent interview on the Australian television series “Anh’s Brush With Fame,” Terri opened up about Steve’s perspective on life and mortality.“He never envisioned a long life for himself. He always had this sense that his time would be cut short,” Terri revealed when asked about Steve’s tragic death.Tragically, Steve’s premonition proved to be accurate.

While filming for “Ocean’s Deadliest” in Queensland, Australia, he was fatally injured by a stingray’s barb.Recalling the moment she learned of her husband’s passing, Terri described feeling a profound sense of responsibility and overwhelming grief.

“I just remember feeling an overwhelming sense of grief but also this question of ‘what do I do next?’ I had to gather myself before going out to the car to tell Bindi and Robert … which was incredibly difficult,” Terri recounted.In the aftermath of Steve’s death, Terri was astonished by the outpouring of support from around the world.“Steve would have been surprised by the immense love and grief expressed by people.

‘Famous’ wasn’t a term he associated with himself. He remained humble and dedicated to wildlife conservation,” Terri reflected.Steve’s passing reverberated globally, prompting an outpouring of tributes and condolences. His legacy of passion for wildlife conservation and education continues to inspire millions worldwide.

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